Programma van NAP Contactmeeting February 29th 2024

NAP Contactmeeting February 29th 2024

Programma van NAP Contactmeeting February 29th 2024

Op donderdag 29 februari:
17:00 - 21:30 The Process Industry towards NetZero and full Circularity
  1. Van 17:00 tot 21:30

    The Process Industry towards NetZero and full Circularity

    First presentation: "Chemelot towards full circularity"

    Chemelot is a highly integrated chemical site, which used to be 100% DSM. DSM divested its last plant last year, but the integration is still there. The integration is in energy, but more important in feedstock and product flows. The main challenge for Chemelot is replacing its fossil feedstock (natural gas and naphtha) by circular and biogenic sources. Because of its integration Chemelot is positioned very well to become the first European circular chemical site.

    Loek Radix is Chemelot Executive Director. By education he is macro-economist. He has a 25 years history with DSM, where he left in 2012.

    Second presentation: "Technology for Ammonia to Hydrogen Conversion"

    Duiker Clean Technologies developed an ammonia combustion system for converting ammonia rich waste streams from refineries into valuable heat. This unique NH3 combustion technology has been named SCO (Stoichiometry Controlled Oxidation). SCO today also forms the core technology for new propositions in clean ammonia, which is considered as the new carbon free “hydrogen carrier” in the energy transition. In his presentation Albert Lanser will present the SCO technology itself and how it can applied in the energy transition such as the Ammonia to Hydrogen Conversion Technology, so called ammonia cracking. The technology for ammonia cracking paves the way for large scale import of clean ammonia from abroad, that can be easily converted into hydrogen.

    Albert Lanser, Business development Director at Duiker Clean Technologies has a background in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration. Started as a Project Engineer at Duiker in 1990. As an Operations Manager he participated in a management by out of the Company in 2004 and thus also became a co-owner. Currently  Albert is involved in idea generation, concept developments and further commercial roll out of business propositions in existing and new markets.

      Program 17h00 - 21h30
      17h15: Network drink
      18h00: Introduction by Fedde Sonnema
    Presentations and Dinner
      Board announcements by Frank van Ewijk, Chairman NAP 
      Presentation by Loek Radix
      Presentation by Albert Lanser
      21h30: End of contact meeting
