456 documenten gevonden
01 De Risico's van software in projecten w.pdfPresentatie, General (all areas of expertise)
General (all areas of expertise) 22-03-2012 | Presentatie Auteur: Ton Dekker, Frank Vogelezang, Eric van der Vliet Presentatie, De noodzaak om risico's van software in projecten te identificeren. Improving the predictability of the cost of the delivery ofImproving the predictability of the cost of the delivery of and the maintenance of software Making the predictability objective by means of unambiguous measurement data Offering a set of guidelines to both customer and supplier to get to an agreement on the predictability Providing an independent platform to share knowledge related to the predictability Trefwoorden: presentatie, risico's, software-projecten, NESMA, Improving the predictability Bijgewerkt op: 05-01-2016 Bron: De noodzaak om risico's van software in projecten te identificeren. 22 maart 2012, Soest
17-11-2021 -
02 Van omvang naar kosten wPresentatie, General (all areas of expertise)
General (all areas of expertise) 05-01-2016 | Presentatie Auteur: FrankVogelezang Het vertalen van omvang naar kosten Het kostenmodel voor software De belangrijkste cost-drivers voor software ontwikkeling Een overzicht Projectomvang; Grote projecten kennen een andere dynamiek dan kleine Doorlooptijd en inspanning; Twee keer zo snel klaar kan niet met twee keer zoveel mensen Productiviteit; Niet iedere soort software kan even snel ontwikkeld worden, Niet iedereen kan even snel software ontwikkelen Kwaliteit; Wanneer weet je dat de software foutvrij is Trefwoorden: cost-drivers, software ontwikkeling, kostenmodel, connectivate Bijgewerkt op: 05-01-2016 Bron: Het vertalen van omvang naar kosten Het kostenmodel voor software
26-11-2021 -
03 Parametric Estimating wPresentatie, Parametric Analysis
Parametric Analysis 05-01-2016 | Presentatie Auteur: Onbekend Parametric Estimating, Determine correlation, Parametric Estimating Extended, PE Challange, SEER SEM “Base” settings, SEER SEM “Environment” settings, Tunnel Safety System, External Validation Trefwoorden: Parametric Estimating, External Validation, “Environment” settings Bijgewerkt op: 05-01-2016 Bron: Parametric Estimating SEER presentation
26-11-2021 -
03 Parametric Estimation wPresentatie, Parametric Analysis
Parametric Analysis 05-01-2016 | Presentatie Auteur: Onbekend Parametric Estimating, Determine correlation, Parametric Estimating Extended, PE Challange, SEER SEM “Base” settings, SEER SEM “Environment” settings, Tunnel Safety System, External Validation Trefwoorden: Parametric Estimating, External Validation, “Environment” settings Bijgewerkt op: 05-01-2016 Bron: Parametric Estimating SEER presentation
19-11-2021 -
04 How to incorporate software in a budget discussion w.pdfPresentatie
26-03-2012 | Presentatie Auteur: Onbekend How to incorporate software in a budget discussion? “Small” expenditure component with huge impact Trefwoorden: software-projecten, tunnel projects, development approach Bijgewerkt op: 05-01-2016 Bron: © Logica 2012. All rights reserved Software in a budget discussion
17-11-2021 - 20240306_Presentatie DACE-NVBK Jim Teunizen.pdf25-06-2024
- 20240628_Onsite_vs_Offsite.pdf09-07-2024
- 241128 Renewi - DACE version to share.pdf18-03-2025
4.Felipe Castro"s VE Article for DACE Bulletin 201110.pdfVakblad, Value Management
Value Management 01-10-2011 | Vakblad Auteur: Felipe Castro Arenas THE TIMING OF VALUE ENGINEERING STUDIES IN PUBLIC WORKS ORGANIZATIONS Public infrastructure is an essential ingredient for the economic development of society. Historically, public infrastructure projects have been an exclusive task of governments. However, pressure on capacity and the environment exerted by competitive economic development has forced many governments to adopt “regulatory capitalism” measures. Among others, this has forced them to attempt delegation strategies by creating parallel independent regulatory agencies and to strive for closer collaboration with the private sector. Such a demanding context is the basic rationale behind this research project. What can make public works organizations more effective? How can they optimize their internal processes in order to keep up the pace with more challenging end users’ requirements and taxpayers’ demands? Trefwoorden: Public infrastructure, Value engineering, effective, Project Management Bijgewerkt op: 05-01-2016 Bron: Castro Arenas: The timing of VE studies in Public Works Organizations (October 2011)
18-11-2021 -
General (all areas of expertise) 22-12-2015 | Auteur: Lewis, D. and H. Pickerin THE EUROPEAN AEROSPACE COST ENGINEERING WORKING GROUP (EACE) A CAPABILITY IMPROVEMENT MODEL FOR COST MANAGEMENT A White Paper on The EACE Cost Engineering Capability Improvement Model (CECIM) Trefwoorden: EACE, cost engineering, COST MANAGEMENT Bijgewerkt op: 22-12-2015 Bron: A product of the EACE Capability Model Sub-Group